Urinary incontinence is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and it can have a significant impact on an individual’s quality of life. There are various types of urinary incontinence, each with its own distinct causes and symptoms. In this blog post, we will explore the three main types of urinary incontinence: stress incontinence, urge incontinence, and mixed incontinence. By understanding these types, we can better comprehend the condition and seek appropriate treatment options.
Stress Incontinence:
Stress incontinence occurs when physical activities or pressure on the bladder lead to unintentional urine leakage. Common triggers include coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising, or lifting heavy objects. It primarily affects women and is often associated with weakened pelvic floor muscles, which can result from pregnancy, childbirth, hormonal changes, or aging.
Symptoms of stress incontinence include Leakage of urine during activities that put pressure on the bladder, feeling the need to urinate frequently, even when the bladder is not full or a small amount of urine leakage during sneezing, coughing, or laughing.
Urge Incontinence:
Urge incontinence, also known as overactive bladder, is characterized by a sudden and intense urge to urinate, which is difficult to control. People with this type of incontinence may experience an urgent need to use the bathroom, often followed by involuntary urine leakage before reaching the toilet. It can occur due to an overactive detrusor muscle, which controls the bladder contractions.
Symptoms of urge incontinence include frequent, strong urges to urinate, inability to hold urine long enough to reach the bathroom or waking up multiple times during the night to urinate (nocturia).
Mixed Incontinence:
Mixed incontinence refers to a combination of stress and urge incontinence. It is a prevalent form of urinary incontinence, especially in women. Mixed incontinence can occur when there are multiple factors contributing to bladder control problems, such as weakened pelvic floor muscles and overactive bladder muscles.
Symptoms of mixed incontinence include a combination of stress and urge incontinence symptoms, such as leakage of urine during physical activities or exertion and frequent urges to urinate, often followed by sudden leakage.
At Ohr Medical, we have the right devices to help accurately and effectively treat all types of urinary incompetence. An ongoing issue like this can be a constant hurdle in life, reach out today to speak to one of our trusted professionals!